Daniel Summers, MD, MPH
Position title: Global Health Fellow and Clinical Instructor, Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health
Email: dsummers@medicine.wisc.edu
Daniel Summers, MD, MPH, is a current Global Health Fellow and Clinical Instructor at the University of Wisconsin Department of Emergency Medicine. A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Guatemala (RPCV), he completed his MPH studying Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases with a focus in Global Health at the Yale School of Public Health. His primary graduate research included vector-borne diseases, statistical modeling, and ArcGIS applications. He graduated medical school from the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and completed residency in Emergency Medicine at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. During residency, he rotated through the Emergency Department in Reykjavik, Iceland and traveled abroad for hurricane relief in the Bahamas. Dr. Summers’ academic interests include international medicine, humanitarian response, neglected tropical disease research, and geospatial applications for disease mapping.